Monaco yarn and Baguio yarn in the philippines

i grow in the province, and the crochet is only for elder people,or manang here in the country. it''s only for past time leisure. i grow up in that idea. in my childhood i am not permitted to do it, im too young and i will wasting their yarn. that's how i remember it.
now in my age, i can buy any kind of yarn i wanted and any hook. unfortunately, here, in my place the yarn is limited and it sold by grams and meters. the popular one is the monaco mercerized thread and acrylic yarn. the acrylic yarn cost for the range of 13php to 18php. and it is known to sew notebooks only of for art projects. while the thread that have solid and varieted color that is more popular in crocheting, range from 33php to 48php. 
it's cheap for stater with small project. many colors to choose from. for big projects, i looked through the internet and found the baguio yarn, its an acrylic type of yarn. it have 3 ply and up. but the popular is 3ply in the online shop. it comes from solid ,varieted , mix type of yarn. it can be soft sometimes. its popular in those making business of crochet here in the country, its good for the climate here in the country. 
im still inresearch for these type of yarn
i'll keep an update if found something
do not forget to share what you know and keep inspiring 
baguio yarn
photos from Google images
 monaco mercerized thread
photos are from Google images

 acrylic yarn
photos from Google images

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